Proud or Humble?

Would you describe yourself as a proud or a humble person?

How would others describe you?  Yes, this is a humbling question to ask and answer.  Humility does not come easily to any of us.  If we are going to be honest don’t we  have to admit that we are naturally self centered?   

The Bible describes humility as meekness, lowliness, and the absence of self.  Humility is recognizing and acknowledging my total dependence upon the Lord and seeking His will for every decision. Biblical humility is not only necessary to enter the kingdom, it is necessary to be great in the kingdom (Matthew 20:26-27). Jesus is our model. Just as He did not come to be served, but to serve, so must we commit ourselves to serving others, considering their interests above our own (Philippians 2:3, Mark 10:45).


James 4:6 tells us that, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 
I don’t know about you but I know that I don’t want to live in opposition to God.

The Bible also tells us that we should “clothe ourselves with humility.”


Sunday I gave the congregation an assignment for the week.  I would ask you to consider these three things this week: 1) Serve  look for a person or an opportunity to serve someone by putting  their needs above yours. 2) Give – look for an opportunity to give time or money anonymously and sacrificially this week. 3) Repent– If the Holy Spirit has convicted you that you have acted pridefully toward others confess it, repent and ask the person to forgive you.

God has promised to give grace to the humble, while He opposes the proud (Proverbs 3:341 Peter 5:5). Therefore, we must confess and put away pride. If we exalt ourselves, we place ourselves in opposition to God who will, in His grace and for our own good, humble us. But if we humble ourselves, God gives us more grace and exalts us (Luke 14:11). 


Have a good week!

Pastor Brian

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